Sunday, June 19, 2005

regarder le Parc Sur quand sous la influence d'alcohol

So, we had our first day in Montreal yesterday. Our room in our hotel is tiny, but it is right in Vieux (Old) Montreal. We visited the crypte of the Basilica de Notre Dame, but there was a wedding, so we could not get into the sanctuary, which, hopefully we will visit today. Then we visited the delightful Chateau de Ramezay Musee which filled us in on l'histoire de Quebec. It is amazing that, depsite the whole smallpox and venereal disease, les Amerindiens et les Quebecois got on quite handsomely. Not as well as the British Americans did.
That evening we went to le quartier Chinois and had dinner at a Chinese restaurant, both for $14 (Canadian). I remember being shocked by other menu prices, but I need to remember that they are listed in Canadian funny money. Thence, we walked along the Vieux Port and saw several bilingual buskers. It is amazing that these folks can swallow fire, do magic tricks, and juggle knives all while giving a running commentary in both French and English. Tres interesante!
So, then after returning to our hotel briefly, we went back out to le Champs du Mars. Janna wanted to go to a bar with live music. Well, we heard some, so we went in, but there was virtually no one there. However, I paid a cover of $5 (Canadian) to get in, so we stayed awhile, and eventually the place was hopping. After a lot of cheap Labatt Bleue ($1 Canadian a cup) and hearing the first set, we decided to take off.
When we left, there was a line around the block to get in, so apparently, we went to the coolest bar in the Vieux Port, and just by virtue of our lame Dutchness, got in before all the hip young Montrealaises. Well, we went home and after some freshening up, we watched South Park dubbed in French, which was hilarious. The voices actually (more or less) sounded like the American ones.
This morning we enjoyed our "American" style breakfast (apparently crepes Americains are pancakes). Now, I'm attempting to go the Pointe de Cartiere Archeology museum while Janna is going to the Biodome (at which I'm assuming Pauly Shore works in the gift shop).
Post scriptum--I saw a store that sold leather this morning called "California Cuir." Tee-hee.

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