Monday, June 20, 2005

More reflections

Well, I have more time on my internet card, and Janna is still out getting coffee, so I guess I'll write some more.
I love the people here in Montreal. First of all, it is the most diverse city I have ever been in--Anglo, Latin, Middle Eastern, African, Indian, Asian, "First Nations," etc... Although there are somewhat ethnic neighborhoods, nothing like in Chicago, Toronto, or New York. Everyone lives together, an Iranian restaurant comes right next to an Italian restaurant, next to a Mexican Restaurant, next to a Vietnamese restaurant, etc... What a beautiful people, from all corners of the globe.
Also, they combine both the best traits of French people and Canadians. They are both laid back in dress, speech, and attitude, but they have a sense of history, place, and culture. They are beautifully colored, friendly, warm and knowledgeable. It is a warm and welcoming city and I hope to come back some day.

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